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Name: Merijn (M.Sc)

Nationality: The Netherlands

Languages: Dutch, English, German, Vietnamese

  • Education
  • Bachelor: in Education (2008)
    Fontys Hoge School ‘s-Hertogenbosch
  • Bachelor: Child-Psychology (2012)
    Radboud University Nijmegen
  • Master: Child-Psychology (2013)
    Radboud University Nijmegen
  • Certificate: Psychodiagnostics (2013)
    Radboud University Nijmegen

A very warm welcome from the CEO to Psychologist Vietnam.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) about 15 million people suffer from mental disorders in Vietnam. This is  around 14.9% of the Vietnamese population, which is comparable with other countries. However, for every 100.000 Vietnamese citizens, there are only 0.91 psychiatrists or psychologists available, which is one of the lowest ratio in the world. 

Many people with mental disorders could not have access to appropriate mental health services. Only 29% of those with mental disorders get to receive official mental health support. Treatment in Vietnam usually only involves medications, while other methods like counseling or psychotherapy have not been adequately developed.

This is one of the main reasons why Mr. Merijn opened Psychologist Vietnam in 2020. He believes that a lot of mental conditions and disorders are treatable without the use of medication. “I’m very proud that we treated already 100ths of peoples and families, by providing quality counseling sessions”. Besides providing quality counseling sessions for children, adults and couples, we also support schools (education department) and companies (business department).   

We are a young organization; however, Psychologist Vietnam is a a modern and responsible company, we commit ourselves to the objectives of environmental, social and economic sustainability. 

On behalf of our staff of Psychologist Vietnam, we look forward to serving you, your company or your school, to overcome any (mental) issue.

“Be the CEO of your own Life!”

    If you would like to be consulted by psychologist, contact the psychologist immediately for helps

    What is your sex?
    • What is your sex?
    • Male
    • Female
    • Don’t want to say
    What kind of Service you searching for?
    • What kind of Service you searching for?
    • Children & Education
    • Adults (individual)
    • Couples and Family
    We try to respond in 24 hours.
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