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What is ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (previously known as attention deficit disorder or ADD) is a neurobehavioral disorder characterized by core symptoms of inattentiveness, distractibility, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. ADHD is thought to be the most common childhood mental health disorder, with estimates of its prevalence in children ranging from 5 to 11 percent. Some children with ADHD find it difficult to concentrate on schoolwork or other tasks and may daydream frequently. Others become disruptive, defiant, or have trouble getting along with parents, peers, or teachers. Children who struggle with hyperactivity and impulsivity, in particular, often have behavioral challenges that can be difficult for adults to manage. It’s also possible for both sets of symptoms to exist together, in what is typically called combined type ADHD. Executive functioning (planning, emotional regulation, and decision-making) is often affected as well. Experts have debated whether treatment for ADHD should be primarily behavioral (therapy, attention training, increased play, greater structure) or pharmacological. Several large studies have concluded that a combination of both may be most effective. Managing work, school, and household tasks can be a challenge for children and adults with ADHD. Fortunately, they can learn coping skills to work around struggles and harness their talents—as many successful individuals with ADHD have already done

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What Are the Symptoms of ADHD? The symptoms of ADHD fall into two distinct categories—inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity. Boys, who tend to show more hyperactive or impulsive symptoms, have historically been more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than girls. But improved awareness of inattentive symptoms has led to an increase in diagnoses among girls in recent years. Problems of inattention include difficulty sustaining attention, easily becoming distracted, and not paying attention to details or instructions. They also include making careless mistakes at work or school, the inability to finish projects, and losing or forgetting things. Problems of hyperactivity and impulsivity include feeling restless, fidgeting or squirming, and talking excessively or interrupting others at inappropriate times. Given the fuzzy character of the disorder, the symptoms of ADHD are not always clear cut. Since everyone experiences inattention or impulsivity from time to time, an individual’s symptoms must be persistent to be considered diagnostically relevant and impair function in school, at work, or at home. For children, symptoms must be unusual for the corresponding developmental stage, as some may represent typical behavior for one’s age group. For an adult to be diagnosed, symptoms must have emerged before age 12.

What Causes ADHD? The causes of Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder are not clear. As with other mental health and behavioral disorders, genes likely play a role, but more recent research also implicates exposure to environmental toxins such as pesticides or lead, as well as prenatal cigarette smoking or alcohol intake. The belief that eating too much sugar causes the condition has not held up in research. “Poor parenting” is not to blame for ADHD, but parenting styles and strategies can have an effect on children’s self-regulating abilities. Children who are exposed to inconsistent discipline, or who suffer from neglect, may find it more challenging to rein in their impulses or direct their attention later on.

Advice – Sit in the front of class to limit distractions. – Turn off your phone when doing (home) work. This will keep you from being distracted. – Talk with your teacher about your ADHD. Some schools give students with ADHD extra time to take tests. Some students benefit from smaller class sizes. Others need tutoring help. Your teacher can help you plan what’s right for you. – Let friends know what’s going on. Sometimes we blurt things out and regret it later on. Or we do silly, impulsive things. If this happens to you, let your friends know that sometimes you say things without thinking them through. Apologize if you have hurt someone’s feelings and try to be extra careful in new situations. – Use tools that help you stay organized. Keep track of assignments in a homework notebook or on a phone organization app. List the books and assigned readings you’ll need to bring home. Set phone reminders for classes and other appointments, or write them down in a planner. – Get plenty of exercise. Exercise can help people who have ADHD. If you feel hyper during school, talk to a teacher about taking activity breaks so you can stay focused and concentrate better when in class. Take activity breaks often while studying or doing homework. – Practice relaxation and meditation. Following a regular meditation and mindfulness practice helps people train their attention and focus better. Meditation can lower stress reactions too. – Take pride in the things you do well. Having ADHD is just one part of you. Make time to do things you enjoy, and develop your interests and talents.

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