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Who Is Intelligent?
Reading a road map upside-down, excelling at chess, and generating synonyms for “brilliant” may seem like three different skills. But each is thought to be a measurable indicator of general intelligence, a construct that includes problem-solving ability, spatial manipulation, and language acquisition.


IQ—or intelligence quotient—is the score most widely used to assess intelligence, and typically measures a variety of skills from verbal to spatial. Any person from any walk of life can be highly intelligent, and scoring high on one aspect of intelligence tends to correlate with high scores in other aspects.

The trait, in the abstract, is typically considered desirable in school, the workplace, social success, and beyond. But research is clear that it’s not the only trait that determines how an individual will fare in life. And ultimately, how—and how much—it impacts one’s career or relationships has not yet been fully determined.

Can Intelligence Change?
Since high IQ has long been equated with success in the public mind, many have investigated whether it is a fixed characteristic assigned at birth or if it can change over time.

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Psychological research has consistently supported the latter. Several large studies have shown that IQ can change dramatically over both the short- and long-term. The biggest fluctuations tend to appear during childhood and adolescence; the measure does become increasingly stable as a person ages.

Still, since IQ primarily measures how an individual compares to other people of the same age, psychologists are less certain how real-world intelligence changes over the course of a person’s life.

In very young children, giftedness may be indicated by
– Early verbal ability
– Strong mathematical skills
– A long attention span
– Early ability to reason abstractly
– Early interest in time

Difference between a bright child and a gifted child
– One knows the answer while the other asks more questions.
– One is interested while the other is very curious.
– One pays attention while the other gets fully involved.
– One has good ideas while the other has unusual ones.
– One works really hard while the other scores better with minimal work.

What are the problems of gifted child?
Many studies have shown that gifted children struggle a lot with social difficulties and feelings of sadness. They tend to talk themselves down and be negative towards their own behavior, leading to mood swings and erratic habits. A gifted child could have issues with self-esteem. Being gifted academically can make a child feel different from her peers and may even lead to the child being bullied and becoming depressed. Other common issues are: Feeling guilt, being a perfectionist, having control issues having unrealistic expectations, friendship issues and attention and organization issues. 

Advice for parents and teachers. 
Have your child assessed.
If you have not already done so, it is important to have your child assessed. Inquire at your child’s school about exactly what is involved in assessment, and then begin the process of petitioning for consideration. This may involve getting a teacher’s recommendation, submitting samples of school work, and/or taking a written or oral test. There are no nationwide or statewide standards for identifying gifted students, so your school district will have its own standards for what qualifies a child as gifted.

Determine whether your child’s school has an educational program for gifted students.
Once your child has been through the assessment process, you may have the option of enrolling him in an academic program geared specifically toward gifted students. These programs will vary from school district to school district.  Many times, these educational programs provide opportunities for the gifted student to be challenged in ways that he may not normally encounter in his regular classroom. This experience will also provide the chance for your child to interact with other gifted students with similar interests and personalities.

Look for extracurricular programs for gifted students.
Very often, the resources that schools are able to offer the gifted child are either limited or sub-par. If this is the case for your student, do not be discouraged! There are many other resources available to supplement your child’s school curriculum such as organizations that provide services to gifted students and their parents. You can check out the National Association for Gifted Children and SENG (Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted), for instance. A quick online search will also yield a number of other comprehensive websites that provide activities and other resources and support for the gifted student. Think outside the box and research what’s available, so that you can provide the very best resources available for your son or daughter.

Be realistic in your expectations.
As the parent of a gifted student, it is easy to become accustomed to extraordinary achievement from your child.  While it is certainly exciting to see your daughter excelling in several areas, it is unreasonable to believe that she will be exceptional in all spheres of life. For example, the fact that your 7 year old daughter reads at an 8th grade level does not mean that she has the emotional maturity of an eighth grader. Don’t be surprised when your little girl bursts into tears when she doesn’t get to watch her favorite show! Although it’s important to acknowledge and praise your child’s strengths, it’s equally important that you’re there for her when she needs some extra help or support.

Advocate for your child.
As a parent, you are your child’s most important advocate. This is especially true in the classroom. Often, gifted students are expected to perform the same work as other students and are sometimes even asked to help the less advanced students catch up. Although there are some benefits associated with tutoring other students, you need to make sure that your child is getting the instruction and attention she deserves as well. Ask your child’s teacher if an individualized lesson plan can be implemented for your child. For instance, if your son is finishing his language lesson half an hour before the other students, perhaps a creative writing assignment would be beneficial.  Don’t be afraid to speak up on your child’s behalf!

    If you would like to be consulted by psychologist, contact the psychologist immediately for helps

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