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What is Dependent personality disorder?
Dependent personality disorder (DPD) is one of the most frequently diagnosed personality disorders. It occurs equally in men and women, usually becoming apparent in young adulthood or later as important adult relationships form.

What Are the Symptoms of DPD?
People with DPD become emotionally over-dependent on other people and spend great effort trying to please others. People with DPD tend to display needy, passive, and clinging behavior, and have a fear of separation. Other common characteristics of this personality disorder include:

– Inability to make decisions, even everyday decisions like what to wear, without the advice and reassurance of others
– Avoidance of adult responsibilities by acting passive and helpless; dependence on a spouse or friend to make decisions like where to work and live
– Intense fear of abandonment and a sense of devastation or helplessness when relationships end; a person with DPD often moves right into another relationship when one ends.
– Oversensitivity to criticism
– Pessimism and lack of self-confidence, including a belief that they are unable to care for themselves
– Avoidance of disagreeing with others for fear of losing support or approval
– Inability to start projects or tasks because of a lack of self-confidence
– Difficulty being alone
– Willingness to tolerate mistreatment and abuse from others
– Placing the needs of their caregivers above their own
– Tendency to be naive and to fantasize

What Causes DPD?
Although the exact cause of DPD is not known, it most likely involves a combination of biological, developmental, temperamental, and psychological factors. Some researchers believe an authoritarian or overprotective parenting style can lead to the development of dependent personality traits in people who are susceptible to the disorder.

Practice self-sufficiency and assertiveness skills.
Learn to cope with fears of being alone.
Practice decision-making.
Become comfortable spending time on your own.
Learn to express disagreement in productive ways.
Search for professional help (CBT coach)

    If you would like to be consulted by psychologist, contact the psychologist immediately for helps

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